Sunday, August 24, 2014

Making A Joyful Noise (Again)

After a four-year break, I'm back in choir at First Presbyterian. Our first practice was Wednesday evening. It was wonderful to be singing again with people whom I've shared almost 20 years of Sundays. I've enjoyed seeing Pastor Chris' face on Sunday as he preached, but the change in view lets me see who's snoozing during the sermon:)

Friday evening we gathered at a lovely home near Franklin and enjoyed just "visiting". As they used to say in newspaper social pages, "A good time was had by all."

Sorry about the fuzzy photos; I haven't learned how to hold my smart phone still when I snap a picture. 

Our lovely hostess Carlene
(right) and long-time friend
Dr. Joe (left) having
a "deep" conversation with Reid.

Clata and Doris sample the munchies.
Ron with iced tea in hand.

Sandy keeps us straight
and the music too! She
spends hours just making sure
we have what we need on
Sunday and Wed. nights.

Tenor extraordinaire Dan

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